Page 47 - 0621_June_Flipbook
P. 47


                                                    10” Spaghetti Noodles                                          PANTRY BASICS
                                                    10 lb. bag

                                                    Elbow Macaroni Noodles
                                                    10 lb. bag

                                                                                      Blended Canola & Virgin Olive Oil
                                                                                      All-natural blend of 75% Canola,
                                                    Extra Wide Egg Noodles            25% Virgin Olive Oil. High smoke point.
                                                    5 lb. bag                         GF
                                                                                      GF 1 gallon jug
                                                    #2479….$12.99                     #2641….$18.99

                                 Last month to order!

      •  Use to replace cream soup in any
          recipe for a healthier option.
                                                                Whisk Bliss, Gluten-Free
      •  Used by professional chefs for                         The same delicious, creamy mix that you
          over 35 years!       White Cheddar Sauce Mix          loved as “Universal Sauce,” now gluten-
                               The rich, velvety-smooth cheddar   free! Quick, rich, healthy, and versatile; use
      •  Only 35 calories in a ¼ cup serving!    sister of Universal Sauce. Just add   Whisk Bliss in place of any cream sauce
                               water for perfect macaroni & cheese   components in your favorite recipes, from
                                                                casseroles and soup, to queso.
      •  Won't curdle or separate in freezer  or creamy soups. Yield: 3 gallons.  GF 32 oz. bag
                               48 oz. re-sealable bag
          meals.               #5242….$25.99                    #1980….$14.99

                    Deli Containers with Lids  8 oz.  #2258.... $9.99
                    Our Deli Containers make it easy to pack
                    leftovers, salads, cookies, and more.    16 oz.  #6476.... $9.99
                    50 ct.
                                         32 oz.  #6477..... $11.99

   Other Containers
   #1231 Six-gallon bucket .................................................................$9.99  Emergency Sleeping Bag   Puricit® Citrus Air Freshener
   #4434 Clear Square 1/2 gallon Jar W/Lid  (6 Per Order) ...................$9.99  The same mylar material as the emergency blanket,   Eliminate the lingering odors of grease, fish, and
   Twister Lids (Fit 5 & 6 gallon buckets) .....................................$7.49 each  shaped into a sleeping bag to prevent heat loss even   even cigarette smoke! We use this product in all the
                                                             more efficiently. Retains 80% of body heat. Wind and
                                                                                           bathrooms here at Alison’s Pantry.
                                                             waterproof. 84" x 36"         6 oz. can
          ♦ #2575 Red                 ♦ #2576 Blue            #7403......$3.99             #1579......$5.99
    The Twister Lid  is a heavy-duty ring with a rotating center lid that seals tight or spins to open--much easier than
    prying off standard bucket lids!

                        ♦ 5 Gallon Plastic Bucket with E-Z Open Lid
                        Made with BPA-free food-grade plastic. Comes with a
                        lid that has an internal gasket for an airtight seal. Holds
                        about 37.5 lbs.
                                                                                           NEW SIZE!
                                                                                           Glass Cleaner
                        ♦ 2 Gallon Opaque White Plastic Bucket   Jumbo Emergency Flint Fire  Dissolves dirt, grease, grit,
                                                                                           and grime. Ammonia-free
                        with White Gamma lid                 Starter / Striker             with a clean fresh fragrance.
                        2 gallon bucket will hold approximately 15 lb. of   Essential tool for camping, hiking, emergency   23 oz. can
                        dense product. Gamma lid gives an easy airtight seal.      preparedness, and survival kits.  #1342....$4.99
                        #4779......$9.99                     #2151….$4.99
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