Page 44 - 0621_June_Flipbook
P. 44

Last month to order                               MONIN Premium Fruit Flavored Syrups                SAVE
         these Monin Syrups.                  Flavorful syrups made with natural flavors and pure cane sugar, not corn syrup! Delicious in sodas, lemonade,   $ 00
                                                  tea, and shakes. No artificial ingredients. Gluten free. Non-GMO. GF 1 L bottle...$11.99

        Strawberry Puree                                                                            Acopa County Fair Mason Jar
        More than a syrup, this juicy                                                               Mugs with Handle
        puree adds the sweetness                                                                    Sturdy mason jar mugs for your
        of fresh strawberries to                                                                    favorite beverages. You’ll love the
        lemonades, sodas, iced                                                                      vintage look of this rustic set.
        teas, and more.                                                                             Set of 12/16 oz. mugs
        GF                                                   #5882                        #8654 Pump  #8114….Reg. $15.99
        GF 1 L bottle
        #2632….$14.99                                       Raspberry  #2634 Mango #8602 Coconut  $1.99  Sale $14.99

                                                                                 Gatorade Thirst Quencher
                                                                                 Fruit Punch Powder
    Nesquik Chocolate Powder              Country Time Lemonade                  The most scientifically researched
    45% less sugar than the leading syrup brand.   Flavored Drink Mix            and game-tested way to replace
    Provides calcium and 7 essential vitamins   No artificial sweeteners or flavors.  electrolytes lost in sweat. Makes
    and minerals.                         Good source of Vitamin C. Yield 34 qts.    2 gallons.
                                          GF 82.5 oz tub
    44.9 oz. container                    GF                                     GF 18.3 oz. tub
    #2262....$11.99| Just .14 per svg.!   #2536 ...$14.99 | Just .31 per qt.!    #2640….$7.99

                                                                                           True Lemon
                                                                                           Lemon Packets
                                                                                           Each packet equals one
                                                                                           lemon wedge. Adds
                                                                                           natural flavor with zero
    V8 Splash                                                                              calories to water, recipes,
    Refreshing combinations                                                                yogurt, or sprinkled over
    of natural fruit flavors                                     Sunny Delight             salmon. No artificial
    with a 5% carrot juice   #1717 Tropical Blend....$19.99   #1716 Berry Blend....$17.99  Tangy Original  sweeteners, flavors, or
    blend for a deliciously   Just .10 per oz.!   Just .09 per oz.!    GF 24/10 oz. bottles     colors. Allergen free.
    sweet taste.  Juicy apples, pineapples, kiwis, limes, and   The sweetness of apples, cherries, strawberries,   #8581…$15.99  GF 100 ct. box  Keto Friendly
    GF           mango paired with carrot juice.   red raspberries, and blackberries with carrot juice.    Just 67¢ each!  #1689….$7.99
    GF 12/16 oz. bottles
    Almond Milk
    No cholesterol or saturated fat,
    and is free of dairy, soy, lactose,
    gluten, casein, egg and MSG.                   Cappuccino
    Non-GMO.                                       Rich, comforting cappuccino
                                                   that’s terrific hot or cold, or
      Original Almond Milk                         enjoyed as a coffee creamer.
                                                   GF 2 lb. bag
      GF                                           GF
      GF  6/1 qt. case
      #1456....$18.99                              (45/8 oz. svgs.)....$8.49
                                                   ♦ #1326  French Vanilla
      Unsweetened Vanilla                          ♦ #1330  English Toffee
      Almond Milk                      Keto Friendly  ♦ #1328  Mocha
      GF                                           ♦ #1329 White Chocolate Caramel
      GF  6/1 qt. case
    Shelf-Stable Dairy Products                        U.H.T. (Ultra High Temperature)
                                                       Shelf-Stable Milk
                                                       Real, delicious Grade A milk that has all the
                                                       vitamins and nutrition of conventional pasteurized
                                                       milk and is ready to use. Stays fresh without   Shelf-Stable U.H.T.
                                                       refrigeration until the sealed package is opened   Whipping Cream
                                                       (approx. 12 months). No preservatives added.  Keep rich whipping cream on
                                                       GF 27/8 oz. cartons
                                                       $17.99 | Just .67 each!       hand for whenever you need it!
                                                                                     Store in pantry and chill 8 hours
                                                                                     (40 degrees F) before whipping.
                                                       ♦ #1707 2% Chocolate Milk     Approx. 12 month shelf life.
                                                       ♦ #1708 2% Strawberry Milk    GF 27/8 oz. Cartons
                                                       ♦ #1709 2% Root Beer Milk     #1696....$35.99
                                                       ♦ #1710 2% White Milk          Just $1.33 each!
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