Page 29 - 0621_June_Flipbook
P. 29

                               
                                                                 "I totally Love the                 "I love having these
                                                                Oatsome Organic Milk!                 seeds on hand to   BETTER HEALTH
                                                                 It is sooo yummy in                 add to my smooth-
                                                                protein shakes, cereal,               ies or homemade
                                                                soups, etc. I love that               breads. You can't
                                                                 it’s shelf-stable."                  even tell that they
                                                                 Toni Soderquist,                      are in there. "
                                                                   Kanab, UT                          Haley Notter,
                                                                                                       Stratton, CO

                                             Oatsome Oat Milk
                                             Non-dairy, smooth, creamy beverage that has the  Organic Chia Seeds
                                             ability to froth too. Organic, nut-free, non-GMO, and vegan.  High in protein, fiber, and more plant-based
                                             12 month shelf life. 4 svgs.         Omega-3 than any other food. GMO free.
                                             GF GF 6/1 L. case                    GF GF 1.25 lb. container    Keto Friendly
                                             #1907….$17.99                        #8941….$8.99

    Monk Fruit Zero
    Calorie Sweetener
    100% Natural and low       Keto Friendly  Naturally Refined                   Naturally Refined
    glycemic. Use just like Sugar          Avocado Oil                            Organic Coconut Oil
    (1: 1 Ratio), No Aftertaste.           GF GF 1000 ml/                         Use small amounts of coconut
    No blood sugar crash!                  33.8 oz. bottle                        oil to thin chocolate for dipping.
    GF 16 oz. bag                          #3516…. $15.99             Keto Friendly  GF                      Keto Friendly
                                                                                  GF 28 oz. jar
    #1745….$13.99               AP Bestseller  47¢ per oz.                        #8287....$7.99
    LIVfit ™ Superfood Blend
    Fruits, vegetables, vegan proteins,
    prebiotics, and fiber shown to         LIVfit Superfood Organic
    enhance muscle mass, increase          Antioxidant Fruit & Fiber
    energy, improve cognitive function,    Blend
    encourage digestive health, boost      This mix of fruits, veggies, and
    the immune system and fight off        plant-based proteins has a neutral,
    aging oxidation of cells in your body.   unsweetened taste. Six               PBfit Peanut Butter Powder
    Contains green tea · 100% B6,          grams of protein, 5 g. Fiber, plus     1/3 the calories and 75% less fat. Non
    B12, thiamin, riboflavin · 5 g of      three different super fruits, and      GMO and all-natural. Just peanuts,
    vegan protein                          1,000 mg omega 3.                      sugar, salt.
                                           GF .8 lb. bag
    GF                         Keto Friendly  GF                       Keto Friendly  GF 30 oz. jar
    GF 12.7 oz. (360 gram) bag
    #3514….$15.99                          #1539….$14.99                          #3521....$14.99
                                       Place the patented Bluapple in your crisper and its disposable inner packet will absorb
                                          ethylene gasses that make fruits and vegetables ripen too fast. It dramatically
                                               extends the life of your produce, and saves you hundreds of dollars.

    One-Year Produce
    Preserver Combo Pack
    Pack includes two plastic                                                                 VeggieZips HydroLiners
    Bluapples; 8 refill packets,             One Year Refill Kit                              Specially designed reusable storage bags paired
    each good for 3 months. 1 year           Refills for two Bluapples® for                   with the HydroLiner to keep produce fresh longer.
    supply for each Bluapple.                one full year; 8 packets.                        22 ct. Bags
    #7779....$16.99                          #7858....$9.99                                   #7781….$11.99
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