Page 29 - 1118Flipbook
P. 29

Beautiful diced fruit—washed, prepped, and packed in re-sealable bags.

                                                                 Sliced Bananas            Strawberry Bits & Pieces, IQF  FRUIT | FROZEN
                                                                 GF 5 lb. bag              GF  2/5 lb. bags, 10 lb. case
                                                                 #2835….$10.99             #2633....$19.99

      Chef-Ready Cuts Pineapple Cubes  Chef-Ready Cuts Diced Apples
      GF  5 lb. bag                  GF  5 lb. bag
      #2834….$13.99                  #1263….$16.99

                                                                                           Wildly Nutritious Mixed Fruit Blend
                                                                                           Blend of strawberries, pineapple, mango, and
      Chef-Ready Cuts Diced Peaches  Chef-Ready Cuts Diced Strawberries  Blueberries       peaches. No sugar added.
      GF 5 lb. bag                   GF 5 lb. bag               GF  5 lb. bag  5 lb. pouch    GF 5 lb. bag
       #2833….$14.49                  #2832….$13.49             #2030....$20.99             #2032….$14.49

                                                                                                         $ 50
                                                                  Raspberry Crumbles                      4
                                                                  100% raspberry pieces minimize
                                                                  crushing for deliciously fruity jams
                                                                  and baked goods.
                                                                  GF  2.5 lb. bag
      Wild Blueberries             Mixed Berries, Whole           Raspberry Crumbles
      Leading antioxidant superfruit!   Strawberries, red raspberries,   10 lb. case (4/2.5 lb. bags)
      Smaller berries.             blackberries, and  blueberries.
      GF 5 lb. bag                 GF 5 lb. bag                   #2831…. Reg. $27.99
      #1218....$13.49              #1223....$14.99                 Sale $23.49

                                                                       Whole Strawberries
                                                                       Juicy strawberries for smoothies,
                                                                       pies, and jams.
                                                                       ♦ #1214
                                                                       GF  3 lb. bag...$8.99
     Cherry Berry & Kale                Dark Sweet
     Strawberries, blueberries,         and Red Tart                   ♦ #1222
     and cherries with kale.            Cherries                       GF  10 lb. case…$23.49
      GF 3 lb. bag                                                     Compare our price of $2.35/ lb.
     #1216...$11.49                     GF 2 lb. bag
                                        #1217....$9.49                 to Schwan's cost of $4.33/lb.
                                                                       and save 46% with AP!

                                                 Tropical Berry
        Melon Berry                              & Coconut Blend
        Pineapple & Cucumber                     Vibrant, juicy mango and            Triple Berry Blend
        Frozen pineapple chunks,                 pineapple chunks, strawberries,     Sweet, colorful blend of
        honeydew, wild blueberries and           and coconut chunks. Delicious in    blueberries, raspberries, and
        cucumber slices.                         smoothies!                          blackberries.
        GF 3 lb. bag                             GF 3 lb. bag                        GF 3 lb. bag
        #1052….$11.99                            #2658….$10.49                       #1215….$11.99
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