Page 28 - 1118Flipbook
P. 28

Our sweet frozen fruits are non-GMO!


                                                      Cranberries, Whole
                                                      GF   5 lb. bag    Holiday Cranberry Orange Bread
                                                      #1220...... $9.49
      Red Raspberries, Whole                                         2 c. flour (#1333)    1 cup orange juice
      GF 5 lb. bag                                                   3/4 c. light brown sugar (#1150)  1 Tbsp. grated orange zest
      #1219....$16.99                                                1 1/2 tsp. baking powder (#2847)  1 egg, beaten
                                                                     3/4 tsp. salt         1 c. chopped cranberries (#1220)
                                                                     1/2 tsp. baking soda (#2848)  1 tsp. cinnamon (#3626)
                                                                     1/4 c. butter, melted  1/2 c. chopped walnuts, optional (#1293)
                                                      Preheat oven to 350 degrees F . Grease a 8 1/2x4 1/2-inch loaf pan. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and baking soda in a
     NEW! Graham Tart Shells, 3”                      bowl. Stir butter into flour mixture until combined. Add orange juice, orange zest, and egg; mix well. Fold in cranberries and walnuts.
     Ready to eat mini graham crusts. Serve with desired fillings for an easy dessert. Shipped frozen.  Spoon batter into the prepared pan.
     18 ct.                                           Bake in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, 60 to 75 minutes. Cool in the pan for 10 minutes
     #1422….$7.99 | Just 44¢ each                     before removing to cool completely on a wire rack.

                                                                                   Banana Berry & Wild
                                              Mango Berry & Wild                   Blueberry Blend
        Cherry Berry Plum with                Blueberry Blend                      Three of your favorite fruits
        Cacao Nibs                            Sweet and juicy flash-frozen         frozen fresh, and loaded with
        Frozen cherries, wild                 berries with a sunny taste           antioxidants and healthy fiber.
        blueberries, plums and                of the tropics. Resealable           Great for smoothies, or topping
        cacao nibs.                           package.                             oatmeal!
        GF 3 lb. bag                          GF 3 lb. bag                         GF  3 lb. bag
        #1053….$11.99                         #9221….$10.99                        #1224….$10.49

       Mango Chunks                                                                Blackberries, Whole
       Sweet chunks, perfect for             Pineapple Chunks                      Picked fresh at sweet-tart
       colorful fruit salsas.                Packaged under the Wawona label.      perfection!
       GF 3 lb. bag                          GF 5 lb. bag                          GF 5 lb. bag
       #2655…$8.99                           #8277......$13.99                     #1221....$15.99

    Fiesta Blend                          Sunrise Fruit Medley                     Peach Slices
    Mango, Papaya, Pineapple              Peaches, Strawberries, Honeydew,         Uniform, blemish-free, Grade A IQF
    and Strawberries.                     Pineapple and Blueberries.               peaches.
    GF 5 lb. bag                          GF 5 lb. bag                             GF 5 lb. bag
    #4983.... $14.49                      #4985....$14.99                          #7841....$14.99

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