Page 2 - 0621_June_Flipbook
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Oakley, KS • Duchesne, UT • Brigham City, UT • Kamas, UT • Evanston, WY • Sterling, CO • Helena, MT
New Products ...................................................3-5
Breakfast ..........................................................6-7
“Alison’s Pantry has changed my life in so many positive ways. It’s Pork ..................................................................8-9
something that really just fell into my lap, and has been a godsend Poultry ..............................................................10-13
to my family. Before I placed my first order, I was so nervous about Beef ..................................................................14-15
how I would do. I live in a tiny farming community, with one little Seafood ............................................................16-17
grocery store. To my surprise, the interest in Alison’s Pantry started to Mexican ............................................................18-19
Italian ...............................................................20
become overwhelming (in a good way), and people talk to me about Asian .................................................................21
it regularly. I was worried about the time it would take, but it’s hon- Soup .................................................................22-23
estly the least time- consuming job I’ve ever had. When I calculate Vegetables ........................................................24-25
my time (about 8 hours a month), I make around $90 an hour. Being Sides .................................................................26-27
able to stay home with my children, and be there for them regularly, Fruit ..................................................................28-29
is the most important thing to me. Alison’s Pantry is about empow- Convenience .....................................................30
ering women (and men) in a way that they can create the income Appetizers ........................................................31
they want, while still being present in their home. It’s about creating Bread ................................................................32
lasting relationships, and community involvement. Lastly, I’m Cheese ..............................................................33
grateful for Alison, the founder of this company, for making it what Desserts ............................................................34-35
Spices ................................................................36-37
it is today and for giving hundreds of women the empowerment Mixes ................................................................38-39
and opportunity to help provide for their families, while also putting Baking ..............................................................40
amazing food on the table. If you are on the fence about joining, all I Kitchen Tools ....................................................41
can say is... take the chance. I’m so grateful I did." Snacks ...............................................................42-43
Anna Syme, AP Rep & Sales Manager, Lyman UT Beverages .........................................................44
Club Store Direct ...............................................45
Average Monthly Sales: $5,500 Pantry Basics ....................................................46-47
If you'd like an Alison's Pantry business
of your own like Anna, contact us today. O UR VISI ON
Our mission is to provide restaurant-quality food products
Become an Alison's Pantry Rep! with quality service and a personal touch.
Let us fill your Pantry!
90 Day Double Your Money Back Guarantee.
1-866-5-PANTRY Certain exclusions apply. Refunds must be requested within 90
days from purchase date and will be applied to your account
as credit. This policy does not apply in the circumstance of a
OR EMAIL US: SUPPORT@ALISONSPANTRY.COM damaged or defective item, which will be refunded or credited
for the original purchase price. It also does not apply to Hot Deal,
Pantry Bargain or other #2 products. To prevent fraud Alison’s
Pantry reserves the right to revoke the guarantee
How at our discretion.
Alison’s Pantry Alison’s Pantry
580 W. State Street
works Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
Toll Free: 1-866-5-PANTRY
Fax: 801-796-9309
Office Hours: M – F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Order is delivered to your
Receive a catalog from your
1 Alison's Pantry Representative or 3 Rep's home in about a week Prices and products are subject to change without notice. Sales tax
will be charged according to your representative’s town and state.
view the catalog on our website. after the order deadline. Alison’s Pantry adds 10% shipping to all orders. We reserve the right to
substitute items of equal value and quality.
Place an order at, Pick up your order from your Rep.
2 or with your Rep, by the catalog order 4 Enjoy restaurant-quality food from GF GF = gluten-free IW = individually wrapped
deadline printed on the back cover. the comfort of home.
offered by the case
Have you tried an Alison's Pantry product that you love? Why not save a dollar on it the next time you order? We'll add a $1
credit to your Alison's Pantry account each time you visit and leave a product review.
Tell us 1) how you used the product and 2) what you thought about it, and help other customers find new products to love!
We care about your diet needs and want you to have all the information necessary to make your meal decisions.
For more detailed ingredient lists and nutritional information, please visit and search for any product by product number or name.