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F R OM THE FAMILY A Week of Easy Meals .......................................3
New Products ...................................................4-5
Breakfast ..........................................................6-7
Pork ..................................................................8-9
Poultry ..............................................................10-13
I wanted to share a message with you that I shared at yourself if there is anyone you may be withholding Beef ..................................................................14-15
my father’s funeral. For those of you who don’t know forgiveness from and think how you’d feel if you never Seafood ............................................................16-17
our dad passed away in February and although it has got the chance to forgive. As always God bless you Mexican ............................................................18-19
been difficult we are so grateful for all of the notes and and thank you for being a part of the Alison’s Pantry
comments from our sales reps, customers, and family. family. Italian ...............................................................20
They are much appreciated. Anyways the message Asian .................................................................21
I shared was about forgiveness. Something we all Sincerely, Soup .................................................................22-23
probably struggle with at one time or another in our Joshua Kissee Vegetables ........................................................24-25
lives. Sometimes it’s hard to forgive, but now having Sides .................................................................26-27
been through a difficult thing like losing Fruit ..................................................................28-29
my dad I can say that forgiveness is one Convenience .....................................................30
of the most beautiful things in this life. Appetizers ........................................................31
There was a time a few years ago when Bread ................................................................32
my dad and I didn’t talk and I’m so
grateful that we were able to work it Cheese ..............................................................33
out about two years before he passed. Desserts ............................................................34-35
It brings me to tears thinking about Spices ................................................................36-37
how I’d feel if I never got the chance Mixes ................................................................38-39
to express how I felt. Think of the time Baking ..............................................................40
lost feeling hurt and regret! Now that Kitchen Tools ....................................................41
he’s gone I have no regrets because Snacks ...............................................................42-43
I was able to humble myself and ask Beverages .........................................................44
for forgiveness from my amazing Club Store Direct ...............................................45
dad. Gone are the hurt feelings and
they have been replaced with happy Pantry Basics ....................................................46-47
memories. I apologize if this is a little
deep, but I feel so strongly that in
order to be forgiven we must forgive O UR VISI ON
others. I hope you can reflect on your life and ask
Our mission is to provide restaurant-quality food
products with quality service and a personal touch. Let
How us fill your Pantry! We stand behind every product in our
catalog. If you are ever unsatisfied with an item, please
Alison’s Pantry contact your Representative within 6 months for a 100%
refund or within 90 days for double your money back.
works Alison’s Pantry
580 W. State Street
Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
Toll Free: 1-866-5-PANTRY
Fax: 801-796-9309
Order is delivered to your
Receive a catalog from your
1 Alison's Pantry Representative. 3 Rep's home in about a week Office Hours: M – F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
after the order deadline. Prices and products are subject to change without notice. Sales tax
will be charged according to your representative’s town and state.
Alison’s Pantry adds 10% shipping to all orders. We reserve the right to
Place an order at Pick up your order from your substitute items of equal value and quality., or
2 with your Rep, by the catalog 4 Rep. Enjoy restaurant-quality GF = gluten-free IW = individually wrapped
food from the comfort of
order deadline printed on the home. offered by the case
back cover. Orange Chicken
Saturday, September 21st | UCCU Center, Orem, UT
Sample your way through 80+ booths with fellow foodies!
We care about your diet needs and want you to have all the information necessary to make your meal decisions.
For more detailed ingredient lists and nutritional information, please visit and search for any product by product number or name.