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                       From the Family                                             A Week of Easy Meals .......................................3
                                                                                   New Products ...................................................4-5
                                                                                   Breakfast ..........................................................6-7
                                                                                   Pork ..................................................................8-9
      I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays as much as we are.                  Poultry ..............................................................10-13
      Every year we drive to Rock Springs, WY to have Thanksgiving                 Beef ..................................................................14-15
      with Danielle’s parents. We don’t love the drive, but we                     Seafood ............................................................16-17
      absolutely LOVE her family. I’ve truly been blessed to have                  Mexican ............................................................18-19
      such amazing in-laws. I decided to show a picture of me and                  Italian ...............................................................20
      my grandma Lois this month. My beautiful grandmother                         Asian .................................................................21
      passed away on October 5th, 2018 just a few weeks after we                   Soup .................................................................22-23
      took this photo.                                                             Vegetables ........................................................24-25
      I feel so grateful for the opportunity get to know her so well               Sides .................................................................26-27
      over the past 6 years. Every week on Wednesdays Jesse and                    Fruit ..................................................................28-29
      I would go visit her on our lunch break. I have so many fond                 Convenience .....................................................30
      memories visiting with our grandma and listening to her laugh                Appetizers ........................................................31
      and tell us stories. I tell you this because I realized something            Bread ................................................................32
      when she passed. Instead of a crushing feeling of sadness I                  Cheese ..............................................................33
      felt a feeling of peace and happiness for my grandma. She had   I read in a book where the author was saying that many   Desserts ............................................................34-35
      been bedridden for the past 18 years due to a stroke she had   religions in the world believe that when we die we go   Spices ................................................................36-37
      and knowing that she is now able to walk and see my brother   to heaven to live with our family in joy and happiness.    Mixes ................................................................38-39
      again was very special for me. I had no regrets because I had   He thoughtfully asked: “Why can’t we do that now?” I   Baking ..............................................................40
      spent so much time being with her, serving her, and loving   wholeheartedly agree; may I humbly suggest we should do   Pantry Basics ....................................................41
      her. We truly love those whom we serve and I can’t put into   our best to show our family how much we love and care about   Snacks ...............................................................42-43
      words how much I love my grandma. Too often I hear people   them while we can and live a life free of regrets. Thank you for   Beverages .........................................................44
      lament that they wished they would have spent more time   allowing me to share a piece of my life with you.  Club Store Direct ...............................................45
      with their loved ones while they could. Even though my eyes                  Pantry Basics ....................................................46
      were wet with tears at her passing I had a feeling of peace   Sincerely,     Kitchen Tools ....................................................47
      knowing that I had not just said how much I loved her, but I
      had shown her over the years.         Josh

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                                                                                      Our mission is to provide restaurant-quality food
                         How                                                         products with quality service and a personal touch.
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                                                                                               Alison’s Pantry
                                                                                               580 W. State Street
                                                                                              Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
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                           back cover.                                                GF  = gluten-free  IW= individually wrapped
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                                                   ALISON’S PANTRY

                                                    2019 FOOD SHOW

                                              Saturday, September 21st, 2019

                                                        UCCU Center, Orem, UT

                                                            Watch for more details to come.

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