Page 47 - 1018Flipbook
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LIVfit ™ Superfood Blend
                                                   Fruits, vegetables, vegan proteins, prebiotics, and fiber that
                                                   have been shown to enhance muscle mass, increase energy,   USDA Organic Agave
                                                   improve cognitive function, encourage digestive health, boost   with Fiber
                                                   the immune system and fight off aging oxidation of cells in   Natural, low-glycemic
                                                   your body. ·   35% of daily Vitamin E  ·  35% of Vitamin C   sweetener. Can be used in
                                                     ·   35% Vitamin A  ·  Contains green tea  ·   100% B6, B12,
                                                   thiamin, riboflavin  ·  5 g of vegan protein   baking and canning, too.
                                                                                                  78 oz. Botttle
                                                   GF  12.7 oz. (360 gram) bag                    #3522…$18.99      PANTRY BASICS

             Naturally Refined Avocado Oil                                                      Organic Quinoa Medley
                                                                                                This blend of white, black and red
             500 ml / 16.9 oz. bottle              Organic Super Seeds Blend
             #3515 …. $8.99 | 53¢ per oz.          This chia seed, milled flax seed, and hulled hemp   grain quinoa offers a plant-based
                                                                                                complete protein with all 9 essential
                                                   seed blend. Plant-based mix is totally vegan, and   amino acids. Organic, Kosher, and
                                                   provides 3 grams of fiber per serving.       GMO Free.
             1000 ml/33.8 oz. bottle               GF 16 oz. bag                                GF  3 lb. Container
             #3516…. $15.49 | 46¢ per oz.          #3517….$8.99                                 #8940….$15.49

             Coconut Vinegar                       Naturally Refined Organic Coconut Oil           Organic Chia Seeds
                                                                                                   High in protein, fiber,
             Swap it evenly for apple cider vinegar for   Use small amounts of coconut oil to thin chocolate   and more plant-based
             a milder, sweet taste with all the same   for dipping. GF 28 oz. Jar                  Omega-3 than any other
             health benefits. 16.9 fl. oz. bottle   #8287....$7.99
             #3518…$6.99                                                                           food. GMO free.
                                                   • Vegan  • Gluten-Free  • Organic  • Non-GMO• No   GF 1.25 lb. Container
                                                   Trans Fats or Cholesterol  • Aids in Weight Loss  #8941….$7.99

             Unsweetened Vanilla
             Almond Milk                          Chocolate PB Fit Plus Protein Powder
             No cholesterol or saturated fat, and is free   Natural monk fruit blend sweetens things up just   PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder
             of dairy, soy, lactose, gluten, casein, egg   a touch, so you get full flavor that other protein   1/3 the calories and 75% less fat. Non GMO
             and MSG. Non-GMO.  GF                shakes and powders can’t match.               and all-natural. Just peanuts, sugar, salt.
             6/1 qt. shelf-stable boxes           2 lb. tub                                     30 oz. jar
             #1457 ...$18.99 | $3.17 per qt.      #3519…Was $31.99 | Now $29.99                 #3521....$13.49

             Glass Cleaner            Stainless Steel Cleaner
             Dissolves dirt, grease,   Cleans and polishes with no            Puricit® Citrus Air Freshener
             grit, and grime.         streaks! Not for use on utensils,       Eliminate the lingering odors of grease, fish,
             Ammonia-free with a      or on other surfaces that contact       and even cigarette smoke! We use this product
             clean fresh fragrance.   food.                                   in all the bathrooms here at Alison’s Pantry.
             19 oz. can               15 oz. can                              6 oz. can  #1579......$4.99
             #1342....$3.49           #1341...$5.49

    Other Containers                                                    Potable Aqua Water
    #1231 Six-gallon bucket .................................................................$6.99  Purification Tablets
                                                                        EPA registered to exceed criteria for disinfection
    #4434 Clear Square 1/2 gallon Jar W/Lid  (6 Per Order) ...................$7.99  of drinking water. Just add 2 tablets to 1 quart
    #1229 Clear Square Jars, 1 gallon w/ Lid (4 per order)  ....................$7.99  of water.
                                                                         50 ct. bottle
    Gamma Lids (Fit 5 & 6 gallon buckets) ....................................$7.49 each  #8373......$9.49
    ♦ #1232 White      ♦ #2772 Red        ♦ #2774 Blue                                                  Magnesium
    The Gamma Seal lid is a heavy-duty ring with a rotating center lid that seals tight or spins to open--much easier    Emergency Thermal Blanket   Emergency Fire
    than prying off standard bucket lids!                                    Silver, reflects and retains body heat.    Starter
                  ♦ 5 gallon Plastic Bucket with E-Z Open Lid                84" x 52"   #1757.....$1.99  Compact and
                  Includes the AP 25th Anniversary logo. Holds about 37.5 lbs.                          lightweight fire starter
                  #7078......$7.49                                                                      for emergency kits
                  Our bestseller!                                                                       and camping. Starts
                                                            Emergency Sleeping Bag                      fires even when wet.
                  ♦ 2 Gallon Opaque White Plastic Bucket with White Gamma lid  The same mylar material as the emergency blanket, shaped into a sleeping bag   Includes key chain.
                  2 gallon bucket will hold approximately 15 lb. of dense product. Gamma lid gives an   to prevent heat loss even more efficiently. Retains 80% of body heat. Wind and   #6622....$4.99
                  easy airtight seal.                       waterproof. 84" x 36"
                  #4779......$6.99                           #7403......$3.99

                            Last Month to Order!

      13” Square Dutch Oven
      True Seasoned finish, ready to use.                    6-Piece Cast Iron Set
      Thermometer notch allows you to check                  • 12-inch lid doubles as skillet
      internal temperatures without opening the lid.         • 10-inch skillet  • Dutch oven trivet
      Lid features raised ribs for use as a grill.           • Deep 12-inch skillet  • 6-quart legless Dutch oven
      8 qt.                                                  • 10" lid fits Dutch oven  and skillet
      #8121...$49.99                                         #2405...$59.99                                    47
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