Page 47 - 0819Flipbook
P. 47

Last month to order Augason Farms products!

                                                                                 Dried Whole Eggs
                                                                                 Simply hydrate egg                PANTRY BASICS
    Butter Powder                                                                powder with water and
    Made from real, sweet cream                                                  cook up scrambled eggs
    non-GMO butter. Blends in              Cheese Blend Powder                   or omelets or use them
    smoothly to dry ingredients, or        Ideal for making the                  in any recipe that calls
    can be sprinkled dry on popcorn        creamiest cheese sauces,              for eggs. When dried
    or veggies. Easy to measure            fondues and dips, macaroni            egg powder is used with
    and handle. Requires no                & cheese, casseroles,                 other dry ingredients,
    refrigeration. 10  yr. unopened        soups and spreads.10 yr.              reconstitution is not
    shelf-life.                            unopened shelf-life. 43 svgs.         necessary. 71 svgs.
    204 svgs. GF 36 oz./#10 can            GF 52 oz./#10 can                     GF 33 oz. / #10 can
    #8304….$28.99                          #1088….$28.99                         #1121…$28.99

    Morning Moos
    Whey-based beverage ideal for everyday use or as a part
    of emergency food supply. Looks and tastes like fresh
    milk, is rich in calcium and fortified with vitamins, much                    Country Fresh 100% Real
    like 2% milk.                                                                 Instant Nonfat Dry Milk
    GF 56 oz. can                                                                 Made from whole cow’s milk and
    #1132...$19.99                                                                tastes delicious mixed into drinks,
                                                                                  puddings, and shakes. Up to
    Chocolate Morning Moos                                                        20-year sealed shelf life. Certified
    Rich, thick creamy milk chocolate whey-based beverage.                        gluten-free.
    GF 71 oz. can                                                                 GF 1 lb. 13 oz. / #10 can
    #1133...$21.99                                                                #8517….$18.99

    Mixing Pitcher
    Sturdy pitcher with mixing plunger,                                          Dehydrated Honey Powder
    perfect for fruit drink powders and                                          Can be used dry or reconstituted.
    powdered milk. Easy, mess-free mixing!  Freeze Dried Strawberries            Up to 30 year shelf life
    2 Qt.                                 GF 6.4 oz./#10 can.                    GF 48 oz. / #10 can
    #1127 ….$13.99                        #8495….$23.99                          #8354….$15.49

                                                                                                      Universal Sauce
                                                              White Cheddar Sauce Mix                 Just add water to this commercial
                                                              The rich, velvety-smooth cheddar        powdered cream soup and sauce
        •  Used by professional chefs for over 35 years!      sister of Universal Sauce. Just         mix, and boil for delicious cream
            •  Only 35 calories in a ¼ cup serving!           add water for perfect macaroni &        soups, sauces, casseroles or any
     •  Use to replace cream soup in any recipe for a healthier option.     cheese or creamy soups.   recipe that calls for cream sauce.
          •  Won't curdle or separate in freezer meals.       Yield: 3 gallons.                       Yield: 3 gallons
                                                              48 oz. re-sealable bag                  48 oz. re-sealable bag
                                                              #5242….$25.99                           #5240….$22.49

    Other Containers
    #1231 Six-gallon bucket .................................................................$9.99  Emergency Sleeping Bag
    #4434 Clear Square 1/2 gallon Jar W/Lid  (6 Per Order) ...................$8.99  The same mylar material as the   Puricit® Citrus Air Freshener
                                                                                           Eliminate the lingering odors of grease,
                                                              emergency blanket, shaped into a
    Gamma Lids (Fit 5 & 6 gallon buckets) ....................................$7.49 each  sleeping bag to prevent heat loss   fish, and even cigarette smoke! We use
                                                              even more efficiently. Retains 80%   this product in all the bathrooms here at
     ♦ #2772 Red                 ♦ #2774 Blue                 of body heat. Wind and waterproof.   Alison’s Pantry.
                                                              84" x 36"                    6 oz. can
     The Gamma Seal lid is a heavy-duty ring with a rotating center lid that seals tight or spins to open--much easier     #7403......$3.99  #1579......$5.99
     than prying off standard bucket lids!

                  ♦ 5 Gallon Plastic Bucket with E-Z Open Lid
                  Includes the AP 25th Anniversary logo. Holds about 37.5 lbs.
                  #7078......$8.49                            Magnesium
                  Our bestseller!                             Emergency Fire Starter       Glass Cleaner
                  ♦ 2 Gallon Opaque White Plastic Bucket with White Gamma lid  Compact and lightweight fire   Dissolves dirt, grease, grit,
                                                              starter for emergency kits and
                  2 gallon bucket will hold approximately 15 lb. of dense product. Gamma lid gives an   camping. Starts fires even   and grime. Ammonia-free
                  easy airtight seal.                                                      with a clean fresh fragrance.
                  #4779......$9.99                            when wet. Includes key chain.  19 oz. can
                                                              #6622....$4.99               #1342....$3.99
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