Page 27 - 0819Flipbook
P. 27

Try This!

                                                        "Spread AP diced potatoes (#8569)                           SIDES | FROZEN
                                                         in the bottom of a cookie sheet,
                                                         melt one cube of real butter and
                                                          pour over them. Sprinkle with
                                                        Daily's Precooked Bacon, crumbled
                                                         (#4835), Season Salt (#1033) and
                                                        Onion Powder (#1027). Bake on 400
                                                         for 45 min. to 1 hour until lightly
                                                         browned. Enjoy! Really easy, fast
                                                              and yummy!"
                                                         Rachel Accuttoroop, Tridell, UT  Roasted Mini Baby Bakers
    Diced Redskin Potatoes                                                         Mini 1-2” baby baker potatoes,
    ½" cubes.                                                                       Frozen. Bake, microwave or fry.
    GF 5 lb. bag                                                                   GF 2.5 lb. bag
    #8569….$7.99                                                                   #2423….$8.49

     Roasted Garlic Mashed
     Redskin Potatoes
     Creamy “skin-in” redskin
     homestyle mashed potatoes
     blended with real roasted
     garlic. Frozen. GF                     Roasted Redskins with Rosemary Seasoning   Three Cheese Twice Baked Potatoes

                                            Red potatoes lightly seasoned a blend of rosemary,   Creamy whipped potatoes in the half shell make an
     3/4 lb. bags (12 lb.)                   garlic, and onion flavors.            effortless side to any meal. Fully cooked.
     #7944....$27.99                         GF  2.5 lb. bag                       12 / 5 oz. pack
                                            #2068....$5.99                         #1157....$12.99 | $1.08 each

    ♦ Potato & Cheddar Cheese Pierogies
    Tender pasta dumplings filled with a creamy blend of mashed
    potatoes and Cheddar cheese. Boil, pan fry, oven bake, deep
    fry or steam.
    6 lb. bag  #5621….$17.99
    Compare to Schwan's Pierogies at $4.00 per lb.,
    and save $1.00 per lb.!
    ♦ Loaded Baked Potato Pierogies
    Sharp cheddar cheese, sour cream and chives, whipped
    potatoes seasoned with bacon Frozen.
    6 lb. bag #4991….$19.99

                                                               Golden Hash Brown Patties
     Sweet Potato Casserole                                    Approx. 120 patties
     with Praline Topping                                      GF  6/2.8 lb. bags
     Mashed sweet potatoes, brown                              #2429.... $29.99
     sugar and spices. Heat and serve.
     5 lb. tray
     #3855 ...$13.99

                                                              SMALLER PACK
                                                              Golden Hash Brown
    Country Style Cuts                                        Patties
                                                              Bake or fry. 2.25 oz. patties.
    Cut straight from the heart of                             Approx. 20 patties.
    the sweet potato.                                          GF 2.8 lb. bag
    GF  5 lb. bag                                             #2427….$6.49
    #5968....$9.49                                                                                             27
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