Page 47 - 0618_Flipbook
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Pantry Prepping!                       Order with confidence. Alison's Pantry products have a 100% satisfaction  guarantee.

                                   #1132 Morning Moo’s® Low Fat Milk   Cream of Chicken Soup Mix
                                          Alternative           Add your favorite dried vegetables,                 PANTRY BASICS
                                  Whey-based beverage ideal for everyday use or as a   chicken chunks, or rice for a speedy
                                 part of an emergency food supply. Looks and tastes like   soup, or use this mix just like you
                                 fresh milk, is rich in calcium and fortified with vitamins,   would canned condensed cream soup
                                         much like 2% milk.    for enchiladas or casseroles. Just add
                                         56 oz. can... $19.39       water. 32 svgs.
                                    #1133 Chocolate Morning Moos
                                       71 oz. can... Was $22.79
                                           NOW $20.99                                              Dried Whole Eggs
                                                                                             Simply hydrate egg powder with water and
                                                                                             cook up scrambled eggs or omelets or use
                                                                                             them in any recipe that calls for eggs. When
                       Mixing Pitcher, 2 Qt.                                                  dried egg powder is used with other dry
                   Sturdy pitcher with mixing plunger, perfect for                           ingredients, reconstitution is not necessary.
                    fruit drink powders and powdered milk.    Dehydrated Apple Slices           Certified gluten free. 71 svgs.
                        Easy, mess-free mixing!              No washing, peeling, or slicing!       33 oz. / #10 can
                            2 Qt.                             1 lb. 3.2 oz. / #10 can             #1121…. Was $29.99
                   #1127 ….Was $15.99 | NOW $13.89             #1124….$21.49                         NOW $27.99

   •  Used by professional chefs for                     Universal Sauce
         over 35 years!                               Just add water to this commercial                 White Cheddar
                                                                                                          Sauce Mix
                                                      powdered cream soup and sauce
     •  Only 35 calories in a ¼ cup                   mix, and boil for delicious cream              The rich, velvety-smooth cheddar
      serving!  •  Use to replace                     soups, sauces, casseroles or any                sister of Universal Sauce. Just
     cream soup in any recipe for                     recipe that calls for cream sauce.             add water for perfect macaroni &
                                                           Yield: 3 gallons
     a healthier option.  •  Won't                      48 oz. re-sealable bag                         cheese or creamy soups.
                                                                                                         Yield: 3 gallons.
     curdle or separate in freezer                     #5240…. Was $23.99                              48 oz. re-sealable bag
            meals.                                        NOW $21.99                                   #5242….was $25.99
               Barilla Bulk Pasta Now in Economical, Family-Size Packs!
      #1331 Barilla 10” Spaghetti Noodles, 10 lb. bag ............................$14.49
      #1332 Barilla Elbow Macaroni Noodles, 10 lb. bag .................................$14.49
      #1334 Barilla Extra Wide Egg Noodles, 5 lb. bag ............................$14.49
      Bulk Grains
      #1067 Honeyville Quick Cooking Oats 25 Lb. Bag ..........................$18.99  See  #1331  See  #1332
      #1068 Honeyville Regular Cooking Oats 25 Lb. Bag .......................$18.99
      #1882 Honeyville Quick Cooking Oats 5 lb. ......................................$4.99
      #1881 Honeyville Old Fashioned Oats 5 lb. ......................................$4.99
      #1117 AP Golden Flaxseed 5 Lb. Bag ...............................................$7.99
      #6158 Honeyville Steel Cut Oats 25 Lb Bag ...................................$19.99
      #6196 6 Grain Rolled Cereal Mix, 25 lb. bag ..................................$17.99
      #1468 Minute Instant White Rice 72 oz. box ...................................$8.49  See  #1882  See  #1468
                          Potable Aqua Water                                            Puricit® Citrus Air Freshener
                          Purification Tablets                                   Eliminate the lingering odors of grease, fish, and even cigarette
                  EPA registered to exceed criteria for disinfection of drinking   smoke! We use this product in all the bathrooms here at Alison’s
                     water. Just add 2 tablets to 1 quart of water.                           Pantry.
                             50 ct. bottle                                                6 oz.  #1579......$4.99

                                                                             Glass Cleaner
                         Emergency Thermal Blanket   Magnesium               Dissolves dirt, grease,   Stainless Steel Cleaner
                         Silver, reflects and retains body heat.    Emergency Fire   grit, and grime.   Cleans and polishes with no
                          84" x 52"   #1757.....$1.99  Starter              Ammonia-free with a   streaks! Not for use on utensils,
                                                    Compact and             clean fresh fragrance.  or on other surfaces that contact
                                                  lightweight fire starter     19 oz. can             food. 15 oz. can
                   Emergency Sleeping Bag          for emergency kits        #1342....$3.49         #1341...Was $6.99
        The same mylar material as the emergency blanket, shaped into a sleeping bag   and camping. Starts   NOW $5.49
        to prevent heat loss even more efficiently. Retains 80% of body heat. Wind and   fires even when wet.
                waterproof. 84" x 36" #7403......$3.99  Includes key chain.
                                                   #6622....$4.99                                              47
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