Page 30 - 0518Flipbook
P. 30

Stack golden Breaded
                                                                                              Mozzarella Sticks on
     CONVENIENCE                                                                             pair with slices of fresh
                                                                                               French bread with
                                                                                               marinara sauce and
                                                                                               fresh basil leaves, or

                                                                                              summer tomatoes and
                                                                   Bakeable Breaded Mozzarella Sticks
                                                                  Natural, aged mozzarella in a home style breading
                                                                       accented with Italian spices.  crispy bacon for a twist
                                                                                              on a traditional BLT.
                                                                           3 lb. bag
                      A                                  B

                                                                                               A. Beer Battered  Zucchini Slices
                                                                                             Fresh crinkle cut zucchini slices coated in our crispy
                                                                                                   butter-golden batter.
                                                                                                      3 lb. bag
                                                                                              #1072….Was $12.99 | NOW$11.49
                                                                                               B. Cream Cheese Breaded Stuffed
                                                                                              Mild jalapeno peppers stuffed with cream cheese
                      C                               D                                  E         and breaded to perfection.
                                                                                                      2 lb. bag
                                                                                               C. Battered Mac & Cheese Wedges
                                                                                             Creamy Cheddar cheese mixed with stick macaroni
                                                                                                   in a crispy Cheddar batter.
                                                                                                      3 lb. bag
                                                                                              #1271….Was $18.99 | NOW $17.99
                                                                                               D. Butter Breaded Mushrooms
                                                                                           Whole mushrooms coated with our premium batter to deliver
                                                                                                 an extra  scrumptious crunch.
                                                                                           2.5 lb. bag #1276…Was $11.99 | NOW $10.49
                        F                                  G                           H
                                                                                               E. Beer Battered King Onion Rings
                                                                                                 Jumbo slices of sweet onion covered
                                                                                                   in premium beer batter.
                                                                                                      2.5 lb. bag
                                                                                            F. "Cheddar Pints" Battered Cheese Curds
                                                                                            Real Wisconsin white cheddar cheese curds battered in
                                                                                              Brew City’s one-of-a-kind crispy beer batter.
                                                                                                      3 lb. bag
                                                                                              #1273….Was $19.99 | NOW $18.99

                                                                                                  G. Breaded Pickle Chips
                                                                                                Sliced pickles coated in breading with a
                        I                                J                                            hint of spice.
                                                                                                      2.5 lb. bag
            I. Corn Nuggets            J. Battered Spicy Jalapeno &                                 #1275….$12.49
       These sweet corn kernels coated in crispy   Cheddar Corn Nuggets  Soft Baked Pretzels
        batter are the perfect bite-sized snack.  Fire-roasted corn, jalapenos and red   Delicious plain, salted or topped with mustard.   H. Crispy Battered Green Beans
              2 lb. bag               peppers in a cheddar cheese blend coated   20 ct. box    The best way to eat your veggies!  Bake or fry.
                                                                                                      2 lb. bag
       #1274….Was $7.49 | Now $6.49    in crispy cornmeal batter. 3 lb. bag   #1472....$11.99  #1300....Was $9.99 | NOW $8.49

    Roasted Pierogy Packets
     12-16  Cheddar Cheese Pierogies (#5621)
    1 1/2 c. Fajita Blend Vegetables (#2069, pg. 25)                                            Potato & Cheddar Cheese Pierogies
         1 1/2 sticks butter, melted                                                            Tender pasta dumplings filled with a creamy
      1 1/2 Tbsp. Rosie's Ranch Dressing Mix                                                    blend of mashed potatoes and Cheddar cheese.
           (#3893, pg. 35)                                                                       Boil, pan fry, oven bake, deep fry or steam.
           Vegalene Spray                                                                          6 lb. bag #5621….$16.49

     Preheat grill to 400 degrees. Evenly distribute                                             Compare to Schwan’s Pierogies at
    pierogies and Fajita Blend (peppers & onions)                                               $4.00 per lb., and save with our AP
    evenly between 4 heavy-duty foil sheets sprayed                                                price of just $2.75 per lb.!
    with Vegalene. Drizzle each packet with butter.
     Tightly seal foil packets. Grill packets for 10                                             Mini Classic Cheddar Pierogies
    minutes, turning half way through (or cook in the                                           Sharp cheddar cheese and creamy whipped
    oven for 20 minutes). Open packets carefully and                                           potatoes, folded in a mini pasta shell. Great as a
     sprinkle with Rosie's Ranch before serving.                                                   side dish or in soups. 72 pieces.
           30                                                                                     2.8 lb. bag #4942….$12.49
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