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Beautiful diced fruit—washed, prepped, and packed in
     Strawberry Poppy Seed Dressing                                                  re-sealable bags.
                                                                                          Chef-Ready Apple Dices
      1/2 cup Chef Ready Dole   2 Tbsp. agave (#3522 )                              Sweet 100% natural apples, washed and diced for baked
      Diced Strawberries (#2832)  or honey                                          goods, sauces, fruit salads, mini pies, and more. Frozen.
                                                                                         5 lb. bag #1263….$14.49
      1/2 cup olive oil    1/2 tsp. Dijon mustard
      1/4 cup red wine vinegar  1/2 tsp. salt                                                                       FRUIT
                                                                       Chef-Ready Cuts
                                                                                     Chef-Ready Cuts
                           1 tsp. poppy seeds (#1011)                 Diced Strawberries  Pineapple Cubes  Chef-Ready Cuts
                                                                                                     Diced Peaches
                                                                       100% usable premium   Diced Pineapple Cubes offer   Diced Peaches come ready to use
       Place all ingredients in                                       quality strawberries in an  the benefits of all natural, fresh   in appetizers, salsas, toppings,
      blender and blend until                                          ultra-convenient form.  fruit, menu versatility, and   fruit salads, baked goods,
     smooth. Store in refrigerator.                                       5 lb. bag   year-round availability.  and beverages.
                              Poppy Seeds                              #2832….$12.99    5 lb. bag      5 lb. bag
                           1 lb bag #1011....$6.99                                   #2834….$13.99  #2833….$14.99

                                                                                                    Mango Chunks
              Blueberries                Sliced Bananas                                           Sweet chunks, perfect for
     Big, juicy berries for toppings, smoothies, and snacking.   All-natural, 100% usable fruit with no peels, cut and   Red Raspberries, Whole   colorful fruit salsas.
                                    ready for smoothies and fruit salads. Frozen.
               5 lb. pouch                  5 lb. bag                    5 lb. bag              ♦ #2655 3 lb. bag….$8.49
             #2030....$22.99             #2835….$10.49                #1219....$21.99          ♦  #2656 10 lb. case….$25.99

                                         Wild Blueberries                                    Wildly Nutritious Mixed Fruit Blend
       Dark Sweet and Red Tart Cherries  Leading antioxidant superfruit! Small, sweet berries   Strawberry Bits & Pieces, IQF  Signature blend of juicy strawberries, pineapple,
               2 lb. bag               perfect for baking.  5 lb. bag   2/5 lb. bags, 10 lb. case     mango, and peaches. No sugar added.
             #1217....$8.99              #1218....$8.99               #2633....$19.99           5 lb. bag #2032….$14.99

                       LIVfit ™ Plant Protein
                     A clean, natural organic protein without
                    any added fillers, sugar or flavorings and no                        USDA Organic Agave
                   aftertaste. The best part? Just three ingredients                        with Fiber
                    make up our Organic Plant Protein: organic                             Natural, low-glycemic
                    pea and organic quinoa protein powders,                               sweetener. Can be used in
                     plus organic agave inulin (fiber)—the                                baking and canning, too.
                    stuff that makes you feel full faster. 15 g.                              78 oz.
                    plant protein per svg. Neutral flavor means                            #3522….$18.99
                    no aftertaste to change the savor of your   LIVfit ™ Superfood Blend
                    foods. No gluten, dairy or soy. 12.7 oz. bag   An incredible combination of fruits, vegetables, vegan
                        #3511….$15.99                      proteins, prebiotics, and fiber that have been shown
                                                            to enhance muscle mass, increase energy, improve
                     Organic Super Seeds Blend             cognitive function, encourage digestive health, boost
                    Oh my Omega! This chia seed, milled flax   the immune system and fight off aging oxidation of   Organic Chia Seeds
                    seed, and hulled hemp seed blend offers       cells in your body. GF               High in protein, fiber,
                   2,500 mg. of Omega 3 in every serving. This                                         and more plant-based
                    wholly plant-based mix is totally vegan,   ·   35% of daily Vitamin E  ·  35% of Vitamin C   Omega-3 than any other
                   and provides 3 grams of fiber per serving.     ·   35% Vitamin A  ·  Contains green tea  food. GMO free.
                    Add mild nutty flavor to yogurt, oatmeal,   ·   100% B6, B12, thiamin, riboflavin   1.25 lb. Container
                     cereals and smoothies. 16 oz. bag              ·  5 g of vegan protein
                        #3517….$9.49                       12.7 oz. (360 gram) bag #3514….$15.99               29
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