Page 41 - 0119Flipbook
P. 41

LIVfit ™ Superfood Blend
                                                   Fruits, vegetables, vegan proteins, prebiotics, and fiber that
                                                   have been shown to enhance muscle mass, increase energy,   USDA Organic Agave
                                                   improve cognitive function, encourage digestive health, boost   with Fiber
                                                   the immune system and fight off aging oxidation of cells in   Natural, low-glycemic
                                                   your body. ·   35% of daily Vitamin E  ·  35% of Vitamin C   sweetener. Can be used in
                                                     ·   35% Vitamin A  ·  Contains green tea  ·   100% B6, B12,   baking and canning, too.  PANTRY BASICS
                                                   thiamin, riboflavin  ·  5 g of vegan protein   78 oz. botttle
                                                   GF  12.7 oz. (360 gram) bag                    #3522…$19.99

             Naturally Refined Avocado Oil                                                      Organic Quinoa Medley

              500 ml / 16.9 oz. bottle            Organic Super Seeds Blend                    This blend of white, black and red
             #3515 …. $9.49 | 56¢ per oz.          This chia seed, milled flax seed, and hulled hemp   grain quinoa offers a plant-based
                                                   seed blend. Plant-based mix is totally vegan, and   complete protein with all 9 essential
                                                                                                amino acids. Organic, Kosher, and
                                                   provides 3 grams of fiber per serving.
              1000 ml/33.8 oz. bottle             GF 16 oz. bag                                GMO Free.
             #3516…. $15.99 | 47¢ per oz.          #3517….$9.49                                 GF  3 lb. container
                                                   Naturally Refined Organic Coconut Oil           Organic Chia Seeds
             Coconut Vinegar                       Use small amounts of coconut oil to thin chocolate   High in protein, fiber,
             Swap it evenly for apple cider vinegar for   for dipping.                             and more plant-based
             a milder, sweet taste with all the same   GF 28 oz. Jar                               Omega-3 than any other
             health benefits. 16.9 fl. oz. bottle   #8287....$7.99
             #3518…$6.99                                                                           food. GMO free.
                                                   • Vegan  • Gluten-Free  • Organic  • Non-GMO• No   GF 1.25 lb. Container
                                                   Trans Fats or Cholesterol  • Aids in Weight Loss  #8941….$8.49

             Unsweetened Vanilla
             Almond Milk                          Chocolate PB Fit Plus Protein Powder
             No cholesterol or saturated fat, and is free   Natural monk fruit blend sweetens things up just   PB Fit Peanut Butter Powder
             of dairy, soy, lactose, gluten, casein, egg   a touch, so you get full flavor that other protein   1/3 the calories and 75% less fat. Non GMO
             and MSG. Non-GMO.                    shakes and powders can’t match.               and all-natural. Just peanuts, sugar, salt.
             GF 6/1 qt. shelf-stable boxes        2 lb. tub                                     30 oz. jar
             #1457 ...$17.99 | $3.00 per qt.      #3519…$28.99                                  #3521....$14.49

      Healthy Grains!

      #1067 Honeyville Quick Cooking Oats 25 lb. bag.................................$18.99
      #1882 Honeyville Quick Cooking Oats 5 lb. bag.....................................$4.99
      #1068 Honeyville Old Fashioned Oats 25 lb. bag.................................$18.99
      #1881 Honeyville Old Fashioned Oats 5 lb. bag.....................................$4.99
      #6158 Honeyville Steel Cut Oats 25 lb. bag.........................................$19.99

                                                       Ali's Protein Balls

                                                       2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats (#1068)
                                                       1 cup extra-crunchy peanut butter
                                                       1/2 cup honey (#1148)
                                                       1/2 cup Ghirardelli Mini Chocolate Chips (#7121)
                                                       1/2 cup dried cranberries (#9205)
                                                       1/2 cup sunflower seeds (#1171)
                                                       1/4 cup walnuts (#1293)
                                                       2 tbsp flax seed or Super Seeds Blend (#3517)
                                                       1/4 -1/2 cup protein powder (i.e. whey powder), optional
                                                       In a food processor, pulse the oats, peanut butter, honey, chocolate chips,
                                                       cranberries, sunflower seeds, walnuts, protein powder (optional) and flax seeds
                                                       until fully combined. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
                                                       Line a baking sheet with parchment. paper. Form balls from the mixture (about 1
                                                       1/2 tablespoons each) and place them on the baking sheet.
                                                       Then place in plastic bag or container and freeze. This will allow you to keep   
     6 Grain Rolled Cereal Mix                         protein balls for 3 months and just take out what you need. They thaw quickly   "I throw a couple in a
     Barley Flakes, White Wheat Flakes, Red            and are perfect when you can't stop for lunch easily.   baggie in my purse.
     Wheat Flakes, Rye Flakes, Rolled Oats,
     and Triticale Seeds                                                                    Kids love them too. It's
     25 lb. bag                                                                             whole food that tastes
     #6196 ...$17.99                                                                         so good!"--Alison  41
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